Tenebrae Responsories
Music for Holy Week by Carlo Gesualdo (1566-1613)
The gorgeous candle-lit space of Sacred Heart Cathedral will be the venue for The Tudor Consort’s annual Good Friday presentation of music for Holy Week. This year we will recreate the traditional office of Tenebrae (Darkness) whereby candles are gradually extinguished between performances of Gesualdo’s anguished settings of the Responsories.
Matins — 1st Nocturn
Antiphon / Psalm 21 / Antiphon chant
Lesson I chant
Responsory I — Omnes amici mei — Gesualdo
Lesson II chant
Responsory II — Velum templi — Gesualdo
Lesson III chant
Responsory III — Vinea mea electa — Gesualdo
Matins — 2nd Nocturn
Antiphon / Psalm 53 / Antiphon chant
Lesson IV chant
Responsory IV — Tamquam ad latronem — Gesualdo
Lesson V chant
Responsory V — Tenebrae factae sunt — Gesualdo
Lesson VI chant
Responsory VI — Animam meam dilectam — Gesualdo
Matins — 3rd Nocturn
Antiphon / Psalm 93 / Antiphon chant
Lesson VII chant
Responsory VII — Tradiderunt me — Gesualdo
Lesson VIII chant
Responsory VIII — Jesum tradidit — Gesualdo
Lesson IX chant
Responsory IX — Caligaverunt oculi mei — Gesualdo
Psalm 51 — Miserere mei, Deus — Gesualdo
This concert was part of the 2009 Performance Series.
"The Tudor Consort sang throughout with their accustomed clarity and precision, stylistic awareness, careful diction and varied colouring and dynamics."