Subscriber-only concert - In Praise of Wine
Sunday 9 February 2014, 3pm
Khandallah Town Hall
11 Ganges Road, Khandallah
Directed by Michael Stewart
A thank-you to our loyal supporters, this informal concert is a special extra for our subscribers only. Come and meet the choir over a drink and let us serenade you with some favourite madrigals and motets, themed around that most magnificent substance—wine!
This will be a fun and informal performance, with songs full of bawdy humour. The lighter side of some of the Renaissance period's most esteemed composers will be showcased, including Orlande de Lassus, Henry Purcell and Thomas Ravenscroft.
Of Ale:
Toss the pot Thomas Ravenscroft (c 1582- 1635)
Drinking songs Henry Purcell (1659-1695)
• He that drinks is immortal
• Five reasons
• Down with Bacchus
Down among the dead men Trad English Air (c.1700) as published in John Playford’s The English Dancing Master (1726)
Quaffing in the cloister:
Monsieur l’Abbe Orlando de Lassus (c.1532-1594)
Bonum vinum Anon (Glogauer Liederbuch 15th C)
Nous sommes de l’order de Saint Babouyn Loyset Compere (c.1445-1518)
Good wine and beer :
Un jour vis un foulon Lassus
Post martinum Johann Schein (1586-1630)
Audite nova Lassus
Tordion – Quand je bois le vin clairet Anon French, pub. Pierre Attaignant 1530
Wohlauf, ihr gaeste Erasmus Widmann (1572-1634)
Cautionary tales...
Fertur in conviviis Lassus
Vidi alios intrantes/Da trunken sie Kaspar Othmayr (1515-1553)
Divine indulgence:
Jam lucis orto sidere Lassus
This concert was part of the 2014 Performance Series.