Eternal Sacrifice
Music for Holy Week
Friday 30 March 2018, 7:30pm
Pre-concert talk 7pm
Wellington Cathedral of St Paul
Cnr Molesworth and Hill St
Directed by Michael Stewart
This Good Friday we explore the parallel symbolism of the crucifixion of Christ, and the lives of the fallen in this centennial year of the end of WWI. Featuring Parry’s elegiac Songs of Farewell and Harold Darke’s little known cantata As the leaves fall, alongside Renaissance motets for Passiontide and poems by Wilfrid Owen and Siegfried Sassoon.
Hear my prayer, O Lord, Z15 Henry Purcell
Anthem for doomed youth - Wilfrid Owen
Songs of Farewell C.Hubert H. Parry
My Soul, there is a country
I know my soul hath power
Miserere mei William Byrd
Greater Love - Wilfrid Owen
Songs of Farewell Parry
There is an old belief
As the leaves fall Harold Darke
Song 46 (Drop, drop, slow tears) Orlando Gibbons
Suicide in the trenches - Siegfried Sassoon
When David heard Thomas Weelkes
Songs of Farewel l Parry
Never weatherbeaten sail
At the round earth’s imagined corners
The Death Bed - Sassoon
Songs of Farewell Parry
Lord, let me know mine end
This concert was part of the 2018 Performance Series.