Renaissance Influences IV
Made in New Zealand
Saturday 8 October 2011, 3pm
St Mary of the Angels
Boulcott St
Directed by Michael Stewart
Two world premieres by leading New Zealand composers Ross Harris and Jack Body feature in our upcoming concert – Renaissance Influences IV – Made in New Zealand.
The well-known Thomas Tallis motet If ye love me is recontextualised by Harris in his work, Vobiscum in aeternum, while Body’s Hebrew setting of Psalm 137 takes the otherworldly strains of Orthodox Russian chant as its starting point.
The remainder of the home-grown programme includes works by Dame Gillian Whitehead, David Farquhar, Douglas Mews and Tudor Consort choir member Anna Griffiths. The performance is part of the REAL New Zealand Festival 2011.
Missa Brevis: Kyrie Gillian Whitehead
Winter wakeneth all my care David Farquhar
Missa Brevis: Gloria Whitehead
Vobiscum in aeternum Ross Harris
The Love Song of Rangipouri Douglas Mews (Ken Ryan, Baritone)
Missa Brevis: Sanctus and Benedictus Whitehead
Canary Wine John Ritchie
* Queene and huntress
* Make room for the bouncing belly
Naseby Anna Griffiths
Missa Brevis: Agnus Dei Whitehead
Strochny: Bogospod’i yavisya 17th C Russian Orthodox chant
Psalm 137 Jack Body
This concert was part of the 2011 Performance Series.