Music for Holy Week
Friday 22 April 2011, 9pm
Wellington Cathedral of St Paul
Cnr Molesworth and Hill St
Directed by Michael Stewart
We return to the Wellington Cathedral of St Paul for our annual presentation of music for Holy Week, this year featuring selections from Victoria’s monumental Tenebrae Responsaries alongside Lotti’s Crucifixus à 8 and Brahms’ last choral works, the Drei Motetten Op.110.
PLAINSONG: Crux Fidelis
VICTORIA: Tenebrae (Responses for Good Friday)
Amicus meus; Unus ex discipulis meis;
PLAINSONG: De parentis
PIZZETTI: De Profundis
VICTORIA: Tenebrae (Responses for Good Friday)
Tenebrae factae sunt; Iesum tradidit impius
PLAINSONG: Quando venit
BRAHMS: Three Motets Op 110
PLAINSONG: Sola digna
VICTORIA: Tenebrae (Responses for Good Friday)
Caligaverunt oculi mei; O vos omnes
PLAINSONG: Sempiterna sit beatae
LOTTI: Crucifixus à 8
This concert was part of the 2011 Performance Series.
Once more, this superb, world-class choir which is far more than simply an ‘early music’ ensemble, delivered performances of warmth, precision, wide-ranging expressiveness, beauty and impressive ensemble.