Byrd motets
Saturday 13 February 2010, 8pm
Pre-concert talk 7.45pm
Sacred Heart Cathedral
Hill Street
Directed by Michael Stewart
Byrd’s Gradualia appeared in two volumes in 1605 and 1607, and comprise two cycles of 109 motets for the church year. This monumental undertaking took place at a time when English Catholics were forbidden to practice their religion in public; these motets were then intended for clandestine use. The Tudor Consort explores this icon of Renaissance music, presenting selected motets in the intimate one-voice-per-part context for which they were intended.
Propers for Lady Mass in Advent
Introit: Rorate Caeli
Gradual and Alleluia: Tollitte portas – Alleluia – Ave Maria
Communion: Ecce virgo concipiet
Propers for Corpus Christi
Offertory: Sacerdotes Domini
Hymn: Ave verum corpus
Organ: Fantasia in C
Propers for Pentecost
Introit: Spiritus Domini
Sequence: Veni Sancte Spiritus
Communion: Factus est repente
Propers for Assumption
Introit: Gaudeamus omnes in Domino
Gradual and Alleluia: Propter veritatem – Alleluia – Assumpta est Maria
Offertory: Assumpta est Maria
Communion: Optimam partem elegit
Propers for SS Peter and Paul
Antiphon: Hodie Simon Petrus
Organ: Fantasia in A minor
Motet: Domine, quis habitabit
Organist: Douglas Mews
This concert was part of the 2010 Performance Series.