A Medieval Miscellany/ Messe de Notre Dame
Guillaume de Machaut 1300?-1377
Wednesday 24 June 1987, 8pm
Wellington Cathedral of St Paul
Cnr Molesworth and Hill St
Directed by Simon Ravens
By popular tradition, the holy dove descended to Pope Gregory and imparted to him the wealth of melody which we know as Gregorian chant. This performance is divided into two halves, the first devoted to monophonic music and the second to early polyphony. Although all these works could be performed unaccompanied, we have chosen to make sparing use of instruments in some of the secular monophonic pieces: pictorial evidence makes it clear that instruments were sometimes used in performing the Cantigas of Alfonso el Sabio.
Monophonic Music
Gregorian Chant
Conditor Alme: Anon, 7th century
Jubilate Deo: Anon, 12th century
Sequences and Hymns: Hildegard von Bingen 1098-1179
O Ignis Spiritus
O Viridissima Virga
Ave, Generosa
Cantigas: Alfonso el Sabio (attrib.) ?-1248
Santa Maria Amar
Como podens per sas culpas
Troubadors’ and Trouveres’ Songs
Talent avoie d’amer: Richard de Fournivall ?-1260?
Estampida: kalenda maya: Raimbaut de Vaquieras 1180-1207
Polyphonic Music
Early English Polyphony
Alleluia: Te Martyrem: Anon, 11th century
Sancte Dei Pretiose: Anon, 12th century?
Gloria in Excelsis Deo: Anon, 14th century
Quam pulchra es: John of Dunstable 1385?-1453
Early French Polyphony
Non Conturbetur cor Vestrum: Leonin 1150?-1175
Je ne sui mie certeins: Guillaume de Machaut 1300?-1377
Kyrie: Misse de Notre Dame: Guillaume de Machaut 1300?-1377
Gloria: Misse de Notre Dame: Guillaume de Machaut 1300?-1377
Ite, Missa Est: Misse de Notre Dame: Guillaume de Machaut 1300?-1377